Jan 19, 2011

GREE released web application for iPhone/Android from development partners /japan.internet.com

GREE launched GREE Platform for smartphone on December 6 of 2010, and this is the first launch of smartphone applications from GREE Partner. GREE Platform for smartphone releases specifications for web apps for iPhone/Android, native apps for iOS and Android.

As of January 18, about 200 companies has announced to join as a GREE Partner for smartphone. In addition to web apps, it plans to release iOS apps and Android apps from the GREE Partners.

japan.internet.com 1/19/2011

  • 15 titles of applications are planned to be released soon. Almost all of them are games.
  • GREE was the last SNS to start providing open API among rivals, DeNA and mixi, but it takes a lead against DeNA to launch partner's social games for smartphone.

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