Feb 23, 2011

PC-EGG launches voice posting service using telephone linking with Twitter and Facebook /ITpro

PC-EGG started to provide Koeroku which allows users to post voice message on dedicated web site with telephone. Users can post a hyperlink to voice message for Twitter or Facebook. The service is free and does not need user registration.

In order to post voice messages, users click "post" button to open posting page. On the page, users input their name and titles of the message and click "register" button, then a dedicated telephone number is to be displayed. If users call the number and leave a message, voice file is saved on the web site.

Users can listen to posted voice messages by three ways, 1) play by clicking hyperlink on the web site, 2) call the dedicated number, 3) download MP3 file. It also has a feature to attach a script on other web pages such as users' own blogs.

According to PC-EGG, the service is developed using FUSION IP-Phone, Fusion Communication's IP phone service, Asterisk, open source IP-PBX software, and Telne API, PC-EGG's voice communication service.

ITpro 2/22/2011

  • There are several voice tweet service using mobile phone's recording function, but Koeroku is unique that it uses telephone number to post.

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